Saturday, 17 November 2012

Fj Duarte

Fj Duarte

F. J. Duarte is the author of the generalized multiple-prism dispersion theory and has discovered several tunable laser oscillator configurations. He is currently working on high-power multiple-prism-grating laser oscillators and on the application of Dirac's quantum notation to classical optics. He is also doing research on very large N-slit laser interferometers for secure interferometric communications and detection of clear air turbulence. Frank's physics career began at Macquarie University (Australia) and has continued in the US where he has worked for academia, industry, and defense.

Fj Duarte

Fj Duarte

Fj Duarte

Fj Duarte

Fj Duarte

Fj Duarte

Fj Duarte

Fj Duarte

Fj Duarte

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